Sunday, December 03, 2006

A Simple Story

We see the one who has helped us on some many occasions and we just want to help, but we haven't the idea on where and how to help. Our minds are at a quandry. We suffer from the same fate but theirs can be solved easily then our own, or so we think. The dreaded mind of sanity and rejection holds us back from our true feelings. They say there is a time and place for everything, but what if you cannot find that time nor can you find the place to help. Is it all wasted in time, or do we miss the time and place, can we miss it? We try to help others and we seem to keep us from helping ourselves because we do not wish to help ourselves. We self-destruct in a miraculous wonder of questionable. We do not know what lies ahead but all we can do is fear for the worse and brave the path that is our current course.

End. Plain and simple

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Forum Plug in

Forums are fun but if your an Admin they can be a real pain.
If your an admin your responsibilities are damn near endless. You have to keep up to date about what is going on, you have to make sure nothing goes a rye, you have to make sure that some little dip shit isn't being a douche to someone or being racist to all.
although a gun isn't racist, it kills everyone no matter; age, sex, or race.
but most of all you have to when starting out advertise, try to get others to join and try to keep it going until its able to sustain its self on its own.

The forum that I am a part of was really made just for a few people who lived here in Carlsbad, well what i wanted to do is make it world wide, try to get as many people of different nations to be a part of this, kind of a learning forum if you will. I wanted to get liberals, animal rights, democrats, monarchists, anarchists...just people with different views all together and have nice discussions about well everything and anything.

some times i think it is a waste of time, i think that nothing good will come out of the forum, no one else will join, and it will just die and that no one will even care.

oh well

this is the link for it, nice picture huh...made it myself, just click on it


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Thursday, September 28, 2006

God Will Smite You, if You Go the Speed Limit.

I was coming to school today, around 7:30am and I was stuck behind this other car that was only going 20mph in a fucking 35mph zone......well God forbid you go the speed limit or he might smite you all smitting like. Then when I was going home this afternoon I was stuck behind another car who was doing the samething....0.o Fucker!
and then when I was comming back to the college for work I was stuck behind another friggin car that was going waaaay under the friggin speed limit.
Yeah It's like God will shoot mighty lightning bolts in your ass if you go the speed limit...yeah right. Then I went by two annoying ricers. Did I mention they were annoying*reads* oh yeah I did. They were annoying. It's pretty sad when you have to put a hug hollow muffler on your car to make it sound fast.....It's like when little kids put flames on there hotwheels or bikes because they think it will go faster, same principal there. I wanted to have a head one with them, the sad part with that is I will drive away without a dent in my car they wont be able to walk away beacuse i would have ripped off their balls... wait they dont have balls or a penis, because they have to have a car that will sound like a fag much like they guy driving one and his butt budy next to him.


Monday, September 18, 2006

Computers & Users

Usualy I don't charge people for having me work on their computers the first time, well O.k I don't charge for first fix period. But sometimes they can slip the money in my hand before I can ever refuse it. Oh well, what can I do but smile politely and say "thank you and come again!". I made 10 bucks for something that only took an hour and a monkey could do it, Reinstall windows with the manufactures disk, reinstall drivers with M.Disk, and reinstall apps. with M.disk. simple as that and will only take apoximatly 1.5 hours to complete back to original state.
I also try to help them where they really don't need anyone but themselves. Like so, visit this site learn and be happy, and word of advice before tweeking your computer in anyway make sure you have the manufactures disks all of them, all the drivers for your hardware, a back up disk of your apps. and a registry back up. always make sure before tweeking scan the disks that you have made for viruses.
thats what I do to help others with their problems.
I am a tech so to speek and I'm only here to help not to make you do or get anything that you don't need.
If I get payed now thats just a bonus.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Indescribable Yearning

I'm incredably sad, honestly.
I have been with Mercedes for four months now.
We haven't been able to spend one aniversary together.

This is how miserable my life is. I see other people with the ones whom they love dearly and I just want to run up and smack both of them and say that one of them is cheating on the other just so they would break up what they had that they called "love".

I wish i could just wake up one day and she would be there laying right next to me with those big hazel eyes and beautiful smile. I miss her so much, i love her so much.

God please just fucking kill me now!

Monday, August 21, 2006

I'm Bored so I Torment People

This was done a long time ago. My friend Mike left himself logged in on his family computer and so his little sister got on it and I wanted to talk to him but all I got was her.
Well I really don't like it when other people mess with my friends stuff, unless it's me.

Session Start ( Fri Oct 21 17:58:23 2005
[17:58] Bob: hey douche bag
[17:58] Michael: who
[17:59] Bob: you bitch
[17:59] Bob: i love you
[17:59] Michael: ummmmmmmmmmm
[17:59] Michael: this is Mikes sister
[17:59] Michael: he went to band
[18:00] Michael: bye
Session Close (Michael): Fri Oct 21 18:02:20 2005

Session Start ( Fri Oct 21 20:29:04 2005
[20:29] Bob: Michael
[20:52] Michael: no elizabeth
[20:53] Bob: what are you doing on mikes computer
[20:53] Michael: this is the family room computer
[20:54] Bob: why are you on his account
[20:54] Bob: type faster
[20:54] Bob: faster
[20:54] Michael: im on my moms acount
[20:55] Bob: no mikes msn account
[20:55] Bob: type faster
[20:55] Michael: because he never sighned out
[20:55] Bob: then sign him out
[20:55] Bob: type faster
[20:55] Michael: and sorry about my typing, im only in 8th grade
[20:56] Bob: why
[20:56] Michael: and i passed with a c in keybording
[20:56] Bob: we passed with an f
[20:56] Michael: o
[20:56] Bob: i
[20:56] Bob: u
[20:57] Michael: really
[20:57] Bob: and sometimes y and w
[20:57] Michael: hu
[20:57] Bob: i+u=us
[20:57] Michael: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[20:57] Michael: you are a little perve
[20:57] Bob: but babyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[20:58] Michael: lossssssssssser
[20:58] Bob: i got an f and a c and i got a k too and the only thing that's missing is a bitch like you
[20:58] Bob: ganb
[20:58] Bob: *lick*
[20:59] Bob: back that ass up,, yea boooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[20:59] Michael: if you dont leave me alone i will find a way for you to die
[20:59] Bob: too late
[20:59] Bob: im a pirate
[20:59] Michael: you will die on a full moon
[20:59] Bob: aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
[20:59] Michael: hoser
[20:59] Bob: poser
[21:00] Bob: kosher
[21:00] Michael: well i have to go
[21:00] Bob: pickles!
[21:00] Bob: baby just say that you love me
[21:00] Michael: bye
[21:00] Bob: bye i love you
[21:00] Bob: type faster
[21:00] Michael: and i hate you
[21:00] Bob: but babyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[21:00] Bob: i love you
[21:00] Michael: bye
[21:00] Bob: c ya
[21:00] Bob: type faster honey
[21:01] Bob: type faster honey
[21:01] Bob: type faster honey
[21:01] Bob: type faster honey
[21:01] Bob: type faster honey
[21:01] Bob: type faster honey
[21:01] Bob: type faster honey
[21:01] Bob: type faster honey
[21:01] Bob: type faster honey
[21:01] Bob: yeah what now
[21:01] Bob: type faster
[21:01] Michael: i hate you and if you dont leave me alone i will tell my brother to kick you but
[21:01] Bob: i don't care
[21:01] Michael: bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:01] Bob: leave then and stop hitting on me
[21:02] Michael: stop or ill block you
[21:02] Michael: bye
[21:02] Bob: go ahead
[21:02] Bob: like i care baby
[21:02] Bob: hurry up and type faster
[21:02] *** "Michael" signed off at Fri Oct 21 21:02:35 2005.
Session Close (Michael): Fri Oct 21 21:02:41 2005

Yeah type faster. Oh! And on another note, she's worse than fugly and she has a lisp and complains......A LOT!


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Incompetence, Fornication, and Lies

I can't do anything.
I love to draw, I can draw when I have nothing to do. When I'm listening, or when I'm just thinking.
But today, in church, I couldn't, it just stopped. The flow of momentum of the creative thought of my mind just dried out.
And then I just got depressed about everything, about my religion, about my life in general.
I have a great life really but just I'm depressed.
I guess it may be that my fiancee who lives in another state right now got drunk one night and thinks she slept with her best friend and might be pregnant right now.
Yeah that just leaves me all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
I want to have children with her but I don't want to have a child with her where her child isn't even related to me at all. I love her with all my heart and I don't want anything bad to happen to her. But I just hate how I asked her not to drink around other men because I know the nature of men, because I am one, what drives them is sex when they are drunk nothing else.
What drives me is two things God and love. I fucking hate drugs and alcohol more than anything else. I have seen what drugs do to good people and what alcohol does to intelligent people, It turns them into the thing that they hate most and they don't even know about it.
I love her with all my heart and if she is pregnant and has a baby and we do get married, which we will, I will treat that child as my own. But as all people who don't want a child, I pray to God that she isn't pregnant.
She's only sixteen about to be seventeen in October she's a year and six months younger than I, and she might be having a baby.
They say God works in mysterious ways, well so does my mind in all and all.
You know everyone who is deeply in love and will wait for sex till' they are married and their partner is not a virgin kind of makes you wish that they were, just so you both can be new to something such as that, but people are stupid and inevitably doomed to do stupid things.
This was going to be a rant at how much I hate humanity but I guess I failed in that along with everything else.
This blog was suppose to be amusing thoughts to keep peoples attention at how weird I am.
I guess I fucked that up too.
My life is a lie to all the right things but is a distraught to all the wrongs in humanity.
We are all conniving devious people with good hearts on the inside and most seem to shield that good heart with distrust and ignorance we all have failed to she how media has accomplished to gain our attention and minds. We do what they say for us to do. Television shows tell us that smoking and sex and alcohol is good and that it will make you seem like a better person, in looks and personality. Well as everything on television is...IT LIES! Along with people.
well, all have a certain loyalty in the media, It gives us lies that we seamlessly mistake for truth, and that we find comfort in the media.
